Is Your Job Hurting Your Back?

940 788 Footsie

Almost everyone experienced back pain at some point. It is estimated that 8 out of 10 people experience back pain eventually. Our back has so much muscles and ligaments that tend to ache and strain from overworking. Whether you sit too much or stand too much, you get back pain either way. You may be already experiencing pain in the back if your profession requires you to work a lot at the computer, and the discomfort that a stretch or walk won’t be good enough to give you the relief needed. And when its finally time to get off work,…

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How often should you get a massage?

1558 1108 Footsie

Before we answer the question, perhaps there is another question to be answered first. “Do we need a massage?” While many understand the benefit of massages such as body massage, Thai massage and etc, there are plenty more who do not go for massage at all. The fact is that, you never really know you need one until you go for one. For those who do not fancy massage, usually are not aware that some of the body ache and muscle tense can be treated with the right massage. Over the years, the muscle become so tense and stiffed where…

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What can a good body massage do for your body and life?

960 720 Footsie

A good day is a day with great body massage What is the best way to unwind after a tough week? A great massage definitely! Some of the massages such as Aromatherapy, Thai Body Massage or even a Back Massage will surely give you the relaxing experience you need. It is also one of the most common thing in Malaysia where we pamper ourselves with body massage as a leisure and enjoyment. Let us look into the top benefits of a great massage session. Promotes good blood circulation – Body activity such as Thai Body Massage and Aromatherapy stimulate the…

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Foot Reflexology vs Thai Foot Massage

960 540 Footsie

Foot reflexology is the most known foot massage locally. Because of its popularity, the term reflexology is generally used to describe foot massage. However, there are actually other types of foot massage that promotes overall health for your body too. Thai Foot Massage for example is another popular massage that is mistaken as foot reflexology. Foot reflexology focus on areas of foot as a treatment for certain specific parts of our body. Thai foot massage on the other hand also comprises of reflexology element in the steps. It follow Thai traditional energy medicine energy line (Sen) approach. This type of…

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